October 7, 2009

Annoyance of the day: color variations

Filed under: (Photo)shop of Horrors, Bath, Technically Speaking — Tags: , , — Cassandra Young @ 4:42 PM

I do the majority of my editing on my MacBook, so when I finally have my photo edited to my liking, I post it, check it out on Windows…and BAM, it looks nothing like my original product. Anyone have any good ideas on how to circumvent the color range gremlins who love to toy with me? I know images on the web can get altered – I’ve never quite figured that particular conundrum out – or if it has anything to do with the OS I’m using at any particular point, but either way it’s got to go. This picture below is SO much lighter & clearer on the computer that I write this on now…from an IE / Windows OS standpoint…apparently not so much.

Chad T. Wood, author.

Chad T. Wood, author.

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